Silo Fire Prevention and Management

Rescue trucks at silo

Photo source: Penn State University


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Silo fire prevention and management. (2015) Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from….

Because the ingredients needed for a fire to occur are present in silos, agricultural producers who have silos should take steps to minimize the likelihood of silo fires and be prepared to manage silo fires should they occur. Fire prevention steps are similar regardless of what type of silo you have. The approach to managing a fire, however, is based on the type of silo in which the fire is burning.

Ingredients for Fire

Three ingredients are needed for anything to burn: a heat source, air, and fuel.

  • The heat source for a silo fire is bacterial action within the silage. When forage material is cut, bacterial action on the forage begins. This action produces heat until all the oxygen in the pile is consumed. Microorganisms are killed at 250°F–400°F, causing a breakdown in the forage through an oxidation process called pyrolysis. Pyrolysis allows oxygen in the silo to support a smoldering fire that can result in charred cavities in the silage. Once the oxygen is consumed, the fermentation process begins and continues until the forage becomes stable. 
  • The air source for a silo fire includes air that is trapped in chopped forage during harvest and air that blows into the silo. The dryer the material, the more trapped air there is.
  • The fuel source for a silo fire is the silage, although it typically is not a highly effective fuel source because of its moisture content. Even dry silage is too wet to burn quickly.

Causes of Silo Fires

The three main types of upright silos found on farm operations are conventional, oxygen-limiting, and modified oxygen-limiting. Typically, silo fires occur more frequently in conventional silos than in oxygen-limiting silos because oxygen is present in greater amounts in conventional silos. Many silo fires occur in the top layer (approximately the top 10 feet) of dry, loosely packed silage. Such fires can be the result of an overheating unloader motor but more often are caused by spontaneous combustion. Spontaneous combustion can occur when new silage having a too-low moisture content (less than 45%) is placed in the silo, when fresh silage is placed on top of old silage, or when the silo has poorly maintained doors and walls. Putting new silage on top of old silage is especially risky if the old silage is too dry. The dryer the material is, the more air that will be trapped when fresh, wetter material is placed on top of it. That trapped air can allow excessive heating and support a smoldering fire.

A silo fire can start from a source outside the silo as well. The two most common examples of these types of fires are a fire in the chute from a shorted-out electrical wire or a fire from an adjacent barn fire.

Prevention of Silo Fires

Prevention of silo fires involves performing proper maintenance on silos and unloaders and taking appropriate steps when harvesting and storing forages.

Silo and Unloader Maintenance

When a silo is empty, inspect the silo walls (especially the lower 10–15 inches), the silo doors, and the unloader system. Make any necessary repairs. If you have an oxygen-limiting silo, pressure-test it on a regular basis (at least once every other year, preferably when empty). If air is allowed to leak into an oxygen-limiting silo, forage quality can decline, and the chance of a fire developing increases. Many fires have started in oxygen-limiting silos that have been unused for several years but not emptied.

For the unloader system, examine belts, bearings, wiring, and the motor. Lubricate the lift cables, and immediately replace any lift cable showing signs of kinks, cuts, or corrosion. Check for damaged insulation or terminals on the unloader power cable, and repair or replace damaged materials as needed.

Harvesting and Storage Recommendations

Implementing the following steps for harvesting and storing forages will decrease the risk of a silo fire occurring:

  1. Minimize drying time to reduce respiration.
  2. Chop forage at the correct theoretical length cut (TLC). The TLC for hay crop silage is 3/8 inch; the TLC for corn silage is 1/4 inch. Follow the silo manufacturer’s recommendations.
  3. Ensile at 30%–50% dry matter content (i.e., 50%–70% moisture content), based on the silo manufacturer’s recommendations. Using this approach will optimize fermentation.
  4. Leave the silo sealed for at least 14 days to allow complete fermentation to occur.
  5. Unload 2–6 inches per day, and maintain a smooth surface. Using this unloading schedule will help you stay ahead of any spoilage. Spoilage is caused by the bacterial action that can cause heating.
  6. Discard deteriorated silage. Performing this step will help eliminate a fuel source for potential fires and minimize animal health problems.

Management of Silo Fires

Managing silo fires involves monitoring silage to detect a fire early, taking the proper steps when you suspect or discover that a fire is burning, and understanding how fires in different types of silos are extinguished.

Monitoring of Silage

Silage is costly to replace, so one of the main goals of managing a silo fire is to locate the fire and control the area so that only a minimum amount of silage is affected. The first step in managing a silo fire is early detection, so monitor a silo for three weeks postharvest. This length of time is the critical period for fermentation and heating to occur. Because silage burns slowly, detecting a fire early allows you time to evaluate your options and develop a plan for addressing the fire.

Response to the Presence of a Fire

If you suspect or discover a silo fire, contact your local fire department immediately. A silo is a confined space, and firefighters are obligated to follow the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Confined Space Standard for entry into a silo. When you contact the fire department, indicate the type of fire so that the fire department can dispatch the correct personnel and equipment (e.g., thermal imaging camera, infrared heat gun, self-contained breathing apparatus).

Wait for the fire service personnel to arrive. Do not enter the silo or climb the chute because unknown factors, such as fire gases or burning embers falling down the chute, may exist. Only rescue personnel with self-contained breathing apparatuses or supplied-air respirators should enter an upright silo because of toxic gases that can be present due to the fermentation process or the fire. The most typical gases in silos include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and nitrogen tetroxide. Additional gases can be present due to the burning of substances such as silo liners and epoxy coatings.

While waiting for fire service personnel to arrive on the scene, take the following steps:

  1. Close the bottom of the chute to reduce airflow that may be fanning the fire. Use sheet metal or another noncombustible material to close the chute.
  2. Remove all livestock from any exposed or adjacent buildings.
  3. Spray water to wet down the area around the silo chute to prevent the fire from spreading.
  4. Place noncombustible shields (metal siding, etc.) over any openings in the silo or chute to prevent sparks and embers from flying into or onto other buildings.

Fire Management Approaches for Various Silo Types

It is important to understand how silo fires are managed in various silo types. A fire in a conventional silo will not burn out; instead, it must be extinguished. A fire in oxygen-limiting silo may be managed so that it burns out, or it may have to be extinguished. To extinguish a silo fire, it is necessary to eliminate one of the ingredients needed for fire to occur. Trained fire service personnel are needed to extinguish a fire in any type of silo.

Conventional Silo

Because a conventional silo is not airtight, fire service personnel cannot smother the fire by eliminating the air source. The best approach is to locate the heat source and remove it. If possible, fire service personnel should avoid flooding the silo with water for the following reasons: doing so could ruin good feed; it is difficult to unload wet silage with an unloader; water can damage the silo; and the introduction of water can actually cause additional fires in the silo.

Oxygen-Limiting Silo

With proper management, you may be able to allow a fire in an oxygen-limiting silo to burn out. To reduce any additional air from entering the silo, close the top hatch cover (without latching it) and the bottom unloading door. CAUTION If the silo is heavily smoking or rumbling (vibrating), do not attempt to close the top hatch; rather stay off the silo! The assumption is that after you close the top hatch cover and bottom unloading door, no air will go into the silo, so the fire eventually will use up the residual air in the silo and burn out over time. However, this process can take up to three weeks. If this approach does not work, trained personnel—usually representatives of the silo manufacturer/dealer—can inject carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen into the silo, causing any oxygen trapped by the silage to be consumed and allowing the fire to burn out.

A concern related to a fire in an oxygen-limiting silo is the potential buildup of confined gases within the silo. Through pyrolysis, a smoldering fire will produce large quantities of carbon monoxide and other products that can result in an explosion when combined with air from outside the silo. Consequently, you should do nothing that will cause air to go into the silo. For example, do not add water or foam or open any portals into the silo.

Modified Oxygen-Limiting Silo

For fire management purposes, you can treat an oxygen-limiting silo that has been modified through the installation of a top unloader the same way as a nonmodified oxygen-limiting silo, at least initially. However, in spite of such modification, these structures are still airtight enough to allow for a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide in a smoldering fire. In more than one case, an explosion has occurred during firefighting operations involving a modified oxygen-limiting silo.

Additional Recommendations

  • Specialized training in proper techniques for responding to silo fires is available for fire department personnel. If your local firefighters have not had such training, encourage them to locate and participate in a training program.
  • If you no longer use a silo, make sure that it is completely empty. Residual silo material can dry out and pose a fire risk.
  • In the event of a silo fire, do not apply cool or cold water to the outside of a silo because doing so may cause structural damage.
  • After a silo fire, inspect the silo, and make any necessary repairs.


Click here for a guide to assisting firefighters at the scene of a silo fire. 

Use the following format to cite this article:
Silo fire prevention and management. (2015) Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from….


Florida Forage Handbook. (2008). University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Retrieved from

Hill, D. (2009) Silo fires—protect your investment. Pennsylvania State University. Retrieved from

Murphy, D., and Arble, W. (2000) Extinguishing fires in silos and hay mows. New York: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service.

Article Contributor: 
Davis E. Hill, Pennsylvania State University–
Reviewed and Summarized by:
Linda M. Fetzer, Pennsylvania State
Carol Jones, Oklahoma State University–
Dennis J. Murphy, Pennsylvania State University–
Aaron M. Yoder, University of Nebraska Medical Center–



Preventing Fires in Baled Hay and Straw

Use the following format to cite this article:

Preventing fires in baled hay and straw. (2012). Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from


Most hay fires occur within the first six weeks after baling. Understanding the causes of fires in stored hay and learning how to reduce fire hazards will protect your feed supply and could prevent the loss of time and money associated with a fire. 

Causes of Fires in Baled Hay or Straw

Moisture content is the main factor that causes hay and straw to spontaneously combust. Hay fires are more common than straw fires, for reasons involving the type of forage, the moisture content in the stored forage, and heat production.

After forages are cut, respiration of plant fibers (burning of plant sugars to produce energy) continues in plant cells, causing the release of a small amount of heat. When the forages are cut, field dried, and baled at the recommended moisture level (20% or less), plant cell respiration slows and eventually ends. 

When forages are baled at moisture levels of greater than 20%, the right environment is provided for the growth and multiplication of mesophilic (warm temperature) bacteria found in forage crops. Mesophilic bacteria release heat within the bale and cause the internal bale temperature to rise between 130ºF and 140ºF. At this temperature range, bacteria die and bale temperature decreases. Fire risk is greater for hay than for straw because a hay bale’s interior temperature does not cool after the first initial heating cycle. The respiratory heat created by the mesophilic bacteria provides a breeding ground for thermophilc (heat loving) bacteria. Basically, the higher the moisture content, the longer a bale will remain at a higher temperature. For example, a bale with 30% moisture content may have higher interior bale temperature for up to 40 days. When thermophilic bacteria are present, they multiply and produce heat, which can raise interior bale temperature to over 170°F. At these temperatures, spontaneous combustion can occur.

Additional factors that contribute to the risk of hay fires include the volume of the mow or bale stack, bale density, and ventilation or air flow around the stacked bales. Bales with a lower density that are stacked lower and have good air flow and ventilation have a lower risk of overheating.

Decreasing the Risk of Fire

The best way to reduce the risk of a hay fire is to bale hay at a moisture content of 20% or less because at this moisture level, microbial activity decreases. There are several ways of reducing moisture content in baled hay:

  • Baling under appropriate conditions: Weather plays a critical role in achieving the appropriate moisture level in baled hay. The recommended weather conditions for haymaking are a slight wind and a humidity level of 50% or less. Because hay has a higher moisture content in the morning, it is recommended that you bale later in the day. The recommended practice for haymaking is to mow hay in the morning and allow it to dry in the field for a minimum of one full day prior to baling.
  • Using specialized equipment: Another way of decreasing moisture content is to use specialized haying equipment designed to increase drying rates. Such equipment includes tedders, windrow inverters, hay rakes, and conditioning equipment.
  • Using hay preservatives: Hay preservatives, such as liquid propionic acid, applied to the hay during baling inhibit or reduce the growth of bacteria in hay with a high moisture content. 

Another way to reduce the risk of a hay fire is to ensure that stored hay remains dry. 

  • When storing hay inside, make sure the barn or storage area is weathertight and has proper drainage to prevent water from entering the barn. 
  • When storing hay outside, cover the hay with plastic or another type of waterproof material. If you are unable to cover the bales, arrange the bales so that air can circulate between them to promote drying. Bales can be protected from ground moisture by storing them on a bed of gravel or lifting them off the ground on used tires, poles, or pallets.

Monitoring the Temperature of Stored Hay

If you are concerned that hay may have been baled at too high a moisture content, monitor the internal bale temperature twice daily for the first six weeks after baling. For safety reasons, you must work with a partner when checking the temperature of stacked bales. One of you stands atop the bales to measure the internal temperature while the other observes. The person testing the hay should wear a harness and a lifeline that is attached to a secure object. In the event of an emergency, such a system allows the observer to pull the person checking the temperature out of the hay. Due to the potential dangers of this situation, this task should not be assigned to youth workers.

You can use a commercial thermometer to test the temperature of baled hay, but commercial thermometers are not always the appropriate length to monitor the interior zone of baled hay. If a commercial thermometer does not meet your needs, you can fabricate a probe from a 10 ft. length of 3/4 in. iron pipe. Drill eight holes that are 3/16 in. in diameter about 3 in. from one end. Hammer that end of the pipe to form a sharp edge with which to probe. Insert the probe into a hay bale, and use a piece of light wire to lower a thermometer down into the end of the pipe. Alternatively, you may use a piece of 3/8 in. pipe that is 8 to 10 ft. long to test the temperature of hay.

To test the temperature of the hay, place wooden planks or plywood across top of the bales so that the weight of the person standing on the hay is distributed evenly and he or she will be at less risk of falling into a burned-out cavity. Drive a commercial thermometer or a homemade probe into the bale of hay. If you use a fabricated probe, keep the thermometer in the probe for approximately 10 to 15 minutes to obtain the temperature reading. If you use a 3/8 in. pipe, leave the pipe in place for 20 minutes. When you remove the pipe from the hay, if the pipe is too hot to hold in your hand, then you should remove the hot hay.

The following temperature chart outlines further actions that may need to be taken depending on the temperature of the hay.

Critical Temperatures and Action Steps
Temperature (ºF) Condition and Action
125 No action needed.
150 Hay is entering the danger zone. Check temperature twice daily. Disassemble stacked hay bales to promote air circulation to cool the hay.


Hay has reached the danger zone. Check hay temperature every couple of hours. Disassemble stacked hay bales to promote air circulation to cool the hay.
175 Hot spots or fire pockets are likely. Alert fire services to the possible hay fire incident. Stop all air movement around the hay.
190 With the assistance of the fire service, remove hot hay. Be aware that hay could burst into flames.
200 or higher With the assistance of the fire service, remove hot hay. Most likely, a fire will occur. Be aware that hay could burst into flames.

(Source: National Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service [NRAES])

Hay Fire Hazards

The following three hazards exist from hay fires: 

  • Flare-Ups: When the internal hay bale temperature is between 150ºF and 170ºF, the potential exists for spontaneous combustion, and the hay should be moved to allow it to cool. If the temperature is at the higher end of the range, moving the hay could expose it to oxygen and cause flare-ups. Contact your local fire department and have charged water hoses available. 
  • Burned-Out Cavities: These cavities form when temperatures deep within stored hay reached high temperature levels and the hay has burned. A person can become trapped in a burned-out cavity if he or she is walking over the top of the hay pile. Due to the risk of a person falling into a burned-out cavity, at least two people should investigate a hay mow.
  • Toxic Gas: Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide can be released by smoldering and burning hay. Chemically treated hay may emit additional toxic gas vapors. A trained fire-rescue worker with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) should be called to assist at the scene in either situation.

When a Fire Occurs

In the event of a fire, or even when hay is smoldering, contact the fire department immediately. Your next action step and main priority should be to protect human life. Remember that you can replace hay, buildings, and equipment, but you cannot replace human life.

Before taking any action to fight a fire, consider other valuable actions you can take to address the situation prior to the arrival of fire fighters, including the following:

  • Account for all personnel on your farm or ranch operation.
  • Check the area for flammable products. If any are present, immediately leave the area and upon the fire fighters’ arrival, make them aware of the flammable products.
  • Determine whether electricity needs to be turned off in buildings.
  • If the hay fire is located inside a building that houses livestock, consider personal safety before relocating livestock to an area away from the structure.
  • Remove any extra vehicles or machinery from the area around the fire to clear space for the fire service equipment.
  • Stage bale-moving machinery out of the immediate fire area, but have it available to help move bales, as directed by fire fighters.
  • Retrieve material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for any chemical preservatives that may have been used on the hay and that fire fighters will need to review.

Moving hay bales is hot, smoky, and physically demanding work that can cause injuries, exhaustion, smoke inhalation, and heart attacks. Individuals involved at the scene need to be monitored and should receive medical attention should they exhibit signs related to any of these health concerns.

Things to Remember:

  • Most hay fires related to moisture levels occur in the first six weeks after baling.
  • When baling hay, keep moisture levels at 20% or less.
  • Keep baled hay dry by covering it or storing it inside.
  • Monitor internal bale temperature on a regular basis.
    • Youth workers should not be given the task of checking hay temperatures.
  • If you store uncovered bales outside, arrange bales so that air can circulate around them.
  • The use of ventilation changes based on the temperature of the hay. At lower temperatures, increased ventilation around the bales will help the hay return to an acceptable temperature. If hay temperatures reach 175ºF, stop ventilating hay because the increased air flow could feed a fire.
  • Maintain MSDSs for any crop preservatives that may have been used on the hay, and have the MSDS readily available for fire service personnel.


Use the following format to cite this article:

Preventing fires in baled hay and straw. (2012). Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from





Gay, S., Grisso, R., Smith, R., & Swisher, J. (2003) Hay fire prevention and control. Virginia Cooperative Extension. Retrieved from….

Harshman, W., Yoder, A., Hilton, J., & Murphy, D. (2011) Hay storage fires. Hazardous Occupations Safety Training in Agriculture 3.7.2. Retrieved from….

Lemus, R. (2009) Hay storage: Dry matter losses and qualify changes. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Retrieved from

Murphy, D. & Arble, W. (2000) Extinguishing fires in silos and hay mows. New York: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES).


Reviewers, Contributors, and Summarized by:
Linda M. Fetzer, Pennsylvania State University –
LaMar J. Grafft, East Carolina University
Dave E. Hill, Pennsylvania State University  (Has since retired)
Dennis M. Murphy, Pennsylvania State University – (Has since retired)
Cheryl Skjolaas, University of Wisconsin
Aaron M. Yoder, University of Nebraska Medical Center –


How can I check the temperature of large hay bales?

To check the temperature of large hay bales, insert a thermometer into the hay to take a temperature reading. Monitoring the temperature of large hay bales can be dangerous, so it is important to take appropriate safety precautions when performing this task: 

  • Always work with a partner when monitoring the temperature of hay bales.
  • Before checking the temperature of stacked bales, place wooden planks or plywood across tops of the bales. The person checking the bales’ temperature should stand on these planks to help distribute his or her body weight and reduce the risk of falling into a burned-out cavity.
  • The person testing the hay should wear a harness and lifeline attached to a secure object. If an emergency occurs, the observing partner can pull the other person out of the hay.
  • Due to the potential dangers of this task, never assign youth workers to monitor the temperature of hay bales.

There are commercial thermometers available to test the temperature of stored hay. If your commercial thermometer is not long enough to insert into a bale, you can fabricate a probe from a 10 ft. length of 3/4 in. diameter iron pipe. Drill eight 3/16 in. diameter holes about 3 in. from one end of the pipe. Hammer that end of the pipe into a sharp edge to create a probe. After inserting the probe into a hay bale, use a piece of thin wire to lower a thermometer down to the end of the pipe. Keep the thermometer in this position for approximately 10 to 15 minutes to obtain a temperature reading. (The steps you should take next depend on the temperature of the hay.) 

If you do not have a commercial thermometer, you can use a 3/8 in. pipe that is 8 to 10 ft. long to check the temperature of baled hay. The person testing the hay should drive the pipe into a bale and leave the pipe in place for 20 minutes. When it is withdrawn from the hay, if the pipe is too hot to touch with a bare hand, the hot hay should be removed.

Click here to view the article “Preventing Fires in Baled Hay and Straw” to learn more about monitoring hay temperature and preventing fires in round bales.

Fires in the Home: Prevention and Preparedness

Use the following format to cite this article:

Fires in the home: Prevention and preparedness. (2012). Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from


A fire can happen anywhere and at any time in a home. Fires and burns are the main causes of accidental injury deaths at home, with older adults and small children at the greatest risk. Careless smoking is the leading cause of accidental fires.

The recommendations in this article can help you reduce the risk of a home fire and prepare your family in the event of a fire. In addition to these recommendations, make sure that everyone in your house knows how to call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Smoke Detectors/Alarms

Smoke detectors are designed to detect fires and alert building occupants to the presence of smoke. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the use of smoke detectors can reduce the risk of fire fatality by approximately 50%.

Smoke detectors are necessary on every level of a home and especially outside of sleeping areas. Maintain smoke detectors by testing them every month and changing the batteries twice a year. To help you remember to change the batteries regularly, make a habit of changing smoke detector batteries in the spring and fall when you change your clocks to adjust for daylight saving time. Residential guidelines for smoke detector installation and maintenance vary by state.

Fire Extinguishers

Multiple fire extinguishers should be located strategically throughout your home. Always keep an all-purpose ABC fire extinguisher (rated for ordinary combustibles, grease, and electrical fires) in your kitchen. Place the kitchen extinguisher in a location that is easy to reach in the event of a stove fire. Keep additional fire extinguishers in areas where fires are likely to start, such as the garage or near the furnace.

Fire Extinguisher

(Source: Pennsylvania State University. Agricultural Safety and Health)

Everyone in your household should know the location of fire extinguishers, and those family members who are capable should be trained in how to use them properly. To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS:

P – Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.

A – Aim low. Point the nozzle of the extinguisher at the base of the fire.

S – Squeeze. Slowly and evenly squeeze the lever.

S – Sweep. Sweep the nozzle from side to side.

Fire extinguishers are affordable and can save lives and property. The most versatile type of extinguisher is a 10 lb., ABC extinguisher, which can be used on different types of fires. Each of the following types of fire extinguishers is designed to put out a specific type of fire.

Fires Extinguishers and Usage
Extinguisher Class Usage
Class A Fires of combustible materials such as clothing, wood, rubber, paper, and some plastics
Class B Fires involving flammable liquids, such as grease, gasoline, oil, and oil-based paints
Class C Fires that involve appliances, tools, or other types of equipment plugged into an electrical outlet
Class D Fires involving flammable metals; typically found in factories
Class K Fires involving vegetable oil, animal oils, or fats in cooking appliances; typically found in commercial kitchens, but the residential market continues to grow
Multipurpose   Different types as described in the categories above (for example, ABC or BC) 

Like smoke detectors, fire extinguishers require regular maintenance. You should shake dry chemical extinguishers monthly to prevent the powder from settling. Follow the manufacturer’s directions concerning pressure testing and replace a unit if it will not charge or is damaged.

View  the video below about fire extinguisher usage by the Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association.

Escape Routes and Plans

Before a fire occurs, develop an escape route with your family. An escape route should be planned for each area of the home and should include a designated family meeting area in an outside location away from the fire. Draw a map and practice the escape route so that every family member is familiar with the plan. Instruct family members to crawl underneath the smoke when escaping a fire and to “stop, drop, and roll” if their clothing is on fire.

If your home has multiple levels, purchase an escape ladder to provide safe exit from upper levels. All family members need to know the location of the escape ladder and be familiar with its use. Sleeping rooms should have two routes of escape, such as a door and a window. If a window is an exit route, make sure that the window opens properly. Once you and your family are out of the house, call 911 and do not go back into the house for any reason.


Click HERE to visit the U.S. Fire Administration website for information and resources to plan your home fire escape route.

Click HERE to be directed to a Fire Safety for Kids infographic provided by


Use the following format to cite this article:

Fires in the home: Prevention and preparedness. (2012). Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from



Choosing and using fire extinguishers. (2015) U.S. Fire Administration. Retrieved from

Home fire escape planning outreach materials. (2014) U.S. Fire Administration. Retrieved from

Keeping kids safe from fires. (2015) U.S. Fire Administration. Retrieved from


Reviewed and Summarized by:
Linda M. Fetzer, Pennsylvania State University –
Dave Hill, Pennsylvania State University (Has since retired)
Jimmy Maass, Virginia Farm Bureau (Has since retired)
Dennis J. Murphy, Pennsylvania State University (Has since retired)
Aaron M. Yoder, University of Nebraska Medical Center –

Grain Dust Explosions

(Source: Penn State Ag Safety and Health)


Use the following format to cite this article:

Grain dust explosions. (2012) Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from


Grain dust explosions of any size can cause damage to equipment, reduced work time, and injury or death. By controlling grain dust emissions, you can provide a cleaner and safer work environment for your employees and community.

Grain dust is highly combustible, so a fire or an explosion can happen at a large grain-handling facility or in a grain-storage area on a local farm or ranch. Four basic elements must be present for a grain dust explosion to occur: fuel, oxygen, confinement, and an ignition source.

  • Fuel:  dust particles from wheat, oats, barley, or other types of grain that are suspended in the air or layers of grain dust in a confined space
  • Oxygen: normal oxygen levels and a continuous air supply
  • Confinement: areas of confined space such as grain bins, basement tunnels, bin deck galleries, silos, downspouts, and enclosed drag conveyors
  • Ignition source: short circuits, static electricity, lit cigarettes or lighters, overheated bearings, friction, cutting torches or welding devices, grinder sparks, lightning, and so on

Explosiveness of Grain Dust

The explosiveness of dust from different types of grain depends on the dust’s minimum explosive concentration (MEC), a measurement of particle size and energy nature. The accepted MEC for grain dust explosions is approximately 0.05 oz. per cu. ft. The optimum explosive concentration (OEC) equates to about 10 times the MEC, approximately 0.5 to 1.0 oz. per cu. ft. The MEC and OEC measurements vary depending on the type of grain. In an enclosed space with a height of 2 ft., the minimum depth of dust that can lead to explosion is 0.002 to 0.004 in. A typical sheet of paper is approximately 0.004 in. thick, so that critical MEC level can be reached in a very short time. Maintaining grain dust  levels at or below the MEC reduces the risk of explosion and increases visibility for workers.

Characteristics of a Dust Explosion

There are two phases in a major dust explosion: a primary explosion and a secondary explosion. The explosions, however, can happen almost simultaneously, so distinguishing between the primary and secondary explosions can be difficult. The dust from the first explosion may actually provide fuel for the secondary explosion by shaking loose settled dust. If fuel, oxygen, and an ignition source are present in a confined space, a series of destructive explosions can occur that may cause structural damage.

Most grain dust explosions occur at grain transfer points. At the transfer points, the movement of grain causes dust to be released at high levels, resulting in suspended dust particles. The suspended dust may collect in leg boots and elevator legs. Dust concentrations in bucket elevators can exceed MEC levels and pose the risk of explosion. 

Preventing Grain Dust Explosions

To reduce the risk of a grain dust explosion or fire, focus on controlling dust and reducing the sources of ignition. Preventative measures include continuous housekeeping, sanitation, and regularly scheduled maintenance. Implement a housekeeping or sanitation program to decrease grain dust in all work areas. Leg boots should be cleaned routinely to remove excess dust and kernels. Additional preventative steps include:

  • Developing and implementing a routine lubrication plan for bearings on the basis of the manufacturer’s recommendations
  • Developing and implementing a standard operating procedure (SOP) for housekeeping practices to minimize grain dust accumulation
  • Using a food-grade mineral spray on grain that is being transferred
  • Installing a bearing-temperature monitor in strategic locations throughout the grain handling system and implementing a program to periodically monitor bearing temperature
  • Installing belt-rub sensors inside bucket-elevator leg casings
  • Substituting steel cups with plastic cups in elevator legs
  • Using antistatic belting material in legs and horizontal belt conveyors
  • Establishing easy-to-open cleanout doors in the leg-boot side panel for easy removal of grain and dust
  • Installing dust aspiration systems or a ventilation system at grain transfer points
  • Training employees in safe work practices so that they can recognize and prevent hazards that could lead to a grain dust explosion
  • Posting No Smoking signs and actively enforcing the rule
  • Completing regularly scheduled inspections to locate any defective wiring or sparking and make repairs as needed

Use the following format to cite this article:

Grain dust explosions. (2012) Farm and Ranch eXtension in Safety and Health (FReSH) Community of Practice. Retrieved from





Combustible dust in industry: Preventing and mitigating the effects of fire and explosions. (2005) United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from

Grain handling. (n.d.) United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from

Jones, C. (2011) Preventing grain dust explosions. Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved from


Reviewed and Summarized by:
Linda M. Fetzer, Pennsylvania State University –   
LaMar Grafft, East Carolina University –
Davis E. Hill, Pennsylvania State University (Has since retired)
Carol Jones, Oklahoma State University –
Dennis J. Murphy, Pennsylvania State University (Has since retired)
Aaron M. Yoder, University of Nebraska Medical Center –